Essential Oils For Beginners: Everything You Need To Know

Essential Oils For Beginners: Everything You Need To Know

You’ve been hearing a lot about Essential Oils lately. Maybe you want to learn how to use essential oils for beginners. You see Aromatherapy recipes online and your friends are using oils daily… so you have decided it’s time to take the plunge.

But where do you start? What Essential Oils should you invest in? And how do they even work? You’ve got questions, and we’ve got the answers. REVIVE is here to help.

Today, we’ll go over our guide to essential oils for beginners. We’ll cover what these essential oils are, and what they can do for you. Then, we’ll explain all the different ways you can use them. At the very end of this essential oils for beginners guide, we’ll disclose the #1 place to find essential oil online.

What are Essential Oils?

Our guide to essential oils for beginners obviously needs to start with a quick essential oil definition. What is essential oil in the first place? Where does it come from?

The most basic explanation is that Essential Oils are therapeutic extracts from plants. They are produced by steaming or pressing plant matter like flowers, stems, roots, resins, or wood. The result is a very potent liquid that contains the chemical compounds representative of the plant they have come from.

These volatile essences smell strong and have components that can affect us physically, mentally, and emotionally. Historically, Essential Oils have been used for centuries and are even mentioned in the Bible. This is known as aromatherapy.

What is Essential Oil Aromatherapy?

The process of using Essential Oils for their therapeutic benefits is called Aromatherapy. The Essential Oils encourage holistic healing of the mind, body, and spirit.

Aromatherapy has a rich history based in many cultures including the Ancient Greeks, Indian Ayurvedic medicine, and even the Egyptians. But its most recent definition comes from an accidental discovery in 1937. French perfumer, René-Maurice Gattefossé used Lavender essential oil on a burn he had on his hand and realized that it did not scar. He had already been using Essential Oils in his perfumes, but when he discovered that he did not contract gas gangrene, he devoted the rest of his life to understanding and educating about the healing properties of Essential Oils.

Today, Aromatherapy is used daily by many of the people in your life – you just may not realize it. It is now considered a true union of both art and science. As more and more people discover the healing power essential oil has, we will continue to see aromatherapy increase in popularity.

But, how do you go about actually using essential oils? There are a few different ways. Let’s take a look.

How do you use Essential Oils?

Don’t let the common phrase, “there’s an essential oil for that” overwhelm you. Yes, Essential Oils can be used in countless ways, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. The quickest and most popular way to use them is still the easiest… inhalation.

Inhaling Essential Oils

the process of inhaling Essential Oils into the nose where they travel along the cilia and enter the olfactory. This is when the message gets sent to the limbic system and your brain determines how to react to a certain situation.

There are a few ways you can inhale essential oils. It can be as simple as smelling the oils right from the bottle. But for a more hands-free approach, use a diffuser. A few drops of essential oil in your aromatherapy diffuser will not only deliver rapid therapeutic effects. It will have your whole home or office space smelling delicious. You can also consider putting the oils on a piece of diffuser jewelry, or using a nasal inhaler.

Topically Applying Essential Oils

When using Essential Oils topically (on the skin), you get the benefits through both inhalation and absorption. The molecular weight of Essential Oil is small enough that it penetrates the dermis and enters our bodies.

The benefit of this is that we can get long-term use of the oils and we can use them for physical issues. You can also spot treat areas to target specific ailments.

One important thing to remember here is that it is best to use a “carrier oil” when using your oils topically. Essential Oils are incredibly potent and many of them can irritate the skin when used alone. A carrier oil helps dilute your pure essential oil.

Ways to use topically: add Essential Oils to an unscented lotion, nut, or seed oil and apply to skin. You can do this to aid a physical need or in addition to a massage, compress, or bath.

What Essential Oils Should I Buy?

If you are beginning your journey with Essential Oils and you need to purchase a few to get started, you want to get the most bang for your buck. So which essential oils should you buy?

There are many popular essential oils you can get started with. They are versatile and can be used for many different applications. Starting with just a few key essential oils can make it less intimidating and help you get the hang of it. Then pretty soon, you see firsthand the power of essential oil and you will want to add to your collection. Here are the best essential oils for beginners:

Lavender Essential Oil

If there is only one Essential Oil you ever buy, this is it! Considered the “Jack of all trades,” this oil covers all the bases. Just a few drops of this powerful oil will offer all sorts of benefits:

  1. It’s safe and gentle- great for kids, adults, the elderly, and dogs.
  2. It’s calming to body, mind, and skin- can be used to reduce stress and anxiety, may ease aches and pains, soothes skin issues.
  3. It is useful for cleaning- Lavender is a deodorant, antibacterial, antimicrobial, anti-fungal, and antiseptic. It can really help kill germs.
  4. Promotes relaxation and sleep- a safe way to help you achieve some much-needed R&R
  5. Beneficial to the immune system- reduces cortisol levels which, in turn, boosts immunity.
  6. Most everyone loves the smell- creates a wonderful ambiance in any space.

Lemon Essential Oil

This multi-purpose oil smells amazing and is wonderful for so many things.

  1. Improves your mood- very uplifting and may help ease depression.
  2. Good for digestion- calms nausea and relieves indigestion.
  3. Natural disinfectant- great for killing germs, purify the air or use in cleaning products.
  4. Antioxidant effects- slows oxidation and may protect your cells against free radicals.
  5. Purify the body and possibly aid in weight loss- d-limonene in Lemon oil can support metabolism and cleanse the body.

Tea Tree Essential Oil

This medicinal oil is well-known around the world for its ability to help in many situations.

  1. Great for skincare- a great antifungal and antiseptic, a few drops of this oil reduces acne, kills skin fungus, and prevents infections.
  2. Fights colds and cough- the antimicrobial properties make this oil powerful in preventing respiratory infections and easing congestion.
  3. Odor eliminator- a superb antibacterial, Tea Tree can stop smells in their tracks and keep them from coming back.

Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint oil is a true favorite amongst many simply for its wonderful fresh scent. But that’s not the only reason people love peppermint oil! Here are some therapeutic effects it offers:

  1. Relieves pain- this amazing oil fights inflammation which can ease pain, especially headaches.
  2. Respiratory benefits- Peppermint oil aids in clearing airways, reducing congestion, and easing the common cold.
  3. Provides energy and alertness- when inhaled, this stimulating oil can invigorate, clear the head, and even help you exercise longer.
  4. Ease skin issues- antiseptic properties help reduce dandruff, stop itchiness, and soothe skin.

We love this oil so much, we even wrote a complete guide on using peppermint oil. Take a look if you want to see what this product can do for you!

REVIVE’s Basics Kit

Once again, REVIVE has made it easy for you! This basics kit is a great place to start when just learning how to use Essential Oils.

It contains 3 of the above-mentioned Essential Oil Singles: Lavender Oil, Lemon Essential Oil, and Peppermint Oil. But in addition, we also include 3 useful synergy blends that our customers love: Sleep, Immunity Boost, and Breathe Air. These blends provide a simple way to achieve your goals naturally without having to mix your own.

So Now What? Wrapping Up Our Guide To Essential Oils For Beginners

Our guide to essential oils for beginners has come to a close. There is still much for you to learn about the power of essential oils, and what they can do for you. But now, you’re well equipped to get started on your very own journey to using essential oils safely. Now what?

Well, that is up to you. First, start by determining what essential oils can do for you. Do you have a specific ailment you’d like to enjoy relief from? There is likely an oil for that – so do a bit of research! Our blog is the best curation of information related to essential oils – just take a look around. A great next read is our list of the best uses for essential oils. Then, it’s time to take action.

One of the easiest things ways to start is by using a diffuser. The design of this wonderful machine makes it simple to improve your mood or purify the air in just minutes. The REVIVE Halo Diffuser is unique in the fact that it not only provides a mist of oils into the atmosphere but also produces negative ions that help lift your mood and boost your immune system. If you want to learn more about the benefits of essential oil diffusers, take a look at our blog post.

Looking for more ideas? REVIVE has hundreds of ideas and recipes on our blog! In addition, you can always ask an aromatherapy expert on our site. Simply click on the blue tab in the lower right corner of your screen, and we are here for you. Beginner or not, Essential Oils are functional and handy tools that should be used by everyone. And to truly unlock their benefits, you need to find the right products.

Find The Best Essential Oils At Affordable Prices At Revive!

Not all essential oils are created equal. If you’re hoping to achieve therapeutic benefits from these oils, you need to make sure you’re using 100% therapeutic-grade oil. This can get expensive if you don’t find the right brand – but fortunately for you, you’ve come across REVIVE.

We provide better quality at lower prices – what more could you ask for? Our customers have left us over 900+ five-star reviews, so you don’t just have to take our word for it! You’ll have access to everything you need, too. Here are some of our most popular essential oil products:

So, what are you waiting for? You’re just a few clicks away from unlocking the power of essential oils. Start living your life more naturally and holistically. You’ll be glad you did!